Lightning typically occurs within thunderstorms, which airplanes actively avoid. They steer clear of these storms altogether. However, there's an uncommon phenomenon called "dry lightning" that can occur outside of thunderstorm clouds.
The likelihood of lightning striking an airplane is extremely low. The aircraft's surface area is significantly smaller compared to the vast expanse of airspace.
Moreover, even if an airplane were to be struck, it's designed to withstand such occurrences without significant damage. Lightning strikes are safely conducted over the fuselage and discharged into the air through specialized lightning rods (you've likely seen them—they resemble small black horizontal antennas on the trailing edge).
Unfortunately, fear of flying persists despite understanding flight safety measures. Merely possessing knowledge and information about aviation safety doesn't always alleviate this fear.
P.S. Experiencing fear while comfortably seated at home, watching videos of airplanes and lightning, indicates a disconnection between airplanes, lightning, and actual flight safety concerns. This underscores the complexity of addressing the fear of flying.